League patch notes
League patch notes

The passive is being improved to deal more damage with each proc.

  • Mythic Passive: 5 Ability Haste > 5 Heal and Shield Power.Ī little more attack speed is being added to the item.
  • Same Target Shield Bonus: 20 – 30% (level 1-18 ally level scaling) > 30%.
  • Same Target Heal Bonus: 15 – 30% (level 1-18 ally level scaling) > 25%.
  • Echo Shield: 30 – 40% (level 1-18 ally level scaling) > 40%.
  • Echo Heal: 20 – 40% (level 1-18 ally level scaling) > 35%.
  • So a lot of changes are coming to the item. The item is struggling as an Enchanter option for itemization reasons.
  • -1 Gold Change Reverted From Mid Lane Minions.
  • league patch notes

    Gold is being added back to mid lane minions to give back some of that economy that was taken from players.

    league patch notes

    Immortal ShieldbowĪ bit more lifesteal is being added to the item. Also, mid lane gold is getting buffed though we have no idea how much of it is getting increased.

  • Maximum Heat: 100 > 150 (Danger Zone remains at 50).
  • Monster damage is adjusted along with more ability changes. More uptime on managing heat will allow Rumble more damage. His heat bar is expanding while Overheat state is being improved.
  • When Ally empowers Lucian, his next 2 basic attacks will deal bonus magic damage > When Lucian is healed or shielded by an ally, or when a nearby enemy Champion is immobilized, his next 2 basic attacks will deal bonus magic damage.
  • The passive is changing to fit more with other Support pairings. Thus, here are the two champion adjustments coming to Patch 13.12. Rumble is getting a change to help in longer fights, while Lucian is getting some changes to synergize better with other supports, not just Nami. Lucian and Rumble are getting some changes on this patch. Riot is now coming down on her and putting in some strong nerfs. Since the change to Trinity Force, Zeri has become way too strong. The cat is getting some buff reductions, so she does not enable her companion too much. Many changes are coming to both Jungle and Support. Now, Riot is making further changes to get her to a balanced state. Similar to Lulu, Milio’s Armor and Passive On-Hit damage is taking a hit.Īfter the hotfix on Rell, she became pretty strong, according to Riot. Meanwhile, the shield granted from her E is increasing in the late game. Less armor for Lulu’s base stats and reduced damage from her Passive. Multiple types of stats are getting nerfed. His dash ability is getting a cooldown nerf to reduce his mobility.

    league patch notes

    His HP shredding ability is being reduced as a pretty significant nerf. The Base AD is being decreased slightly to give him a little bit of less power. The Passive Cooldown is being increased, which will affect Gragas in multiple roles but primarily in the top lane. Here is the list of nerfs for Patch 13.12.


    Rell is the only champion on the list that is not part of Pro Play. How much of it is being changed is yet to be seen. This is an attempt to shake up the Pro Play meta, and many of the top picks are getting some changes. Meanwhile, champion nerfs are coming mostly for Pro Play. More AD for her Ricochet damage while her AD per level decreases.

    League patch notes